
How To Heal Your Relationship with Money

Why You've Got to Listen to This Episode...

In today’s episode, I’m talking with Financial Therapist, podcast host, and author of The Art of Money, Bari Tessler. When Bari was making $11 an hour in her first job, buried in school debt, and financially illiterate, she knew she had to pave a new path. We’re talking about the emotional work we have to do to make real financial progress, why there’s no such thing as “perfect” in finding financial independence, and why you get to prioritize your family over your business when you’re an entrepreneur.

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Key Takeaways to Heal Your Relationship with Your Finances

As always, we’ve rounded up our top three takeaways to summarize what we believe are the core points to remember from Bari.

1- Shutting Out Our Money Emotions Can Keep Us Stuck

We’re not taught to listen to our emotions in any area of our lives, but especially when it comes to money. We have a tendency to push our thoughts and anxieties away, beating ourselves up for not being able to tackle the black-and-white, math of money.

But silencing those emotions limits our ability to understand our own money blocks and stories. We miss the pieces of the puzzle that allow us to change our behavior on a deep level, so that the black-and-white, math and systems actions can get easier.

Try Bari’s Body Check-In. Take a few quiet moments to consider your emotions around money. Then ask yourself where those feelings may be coming from.

2 - Anyone Can Build a Beautiful & Productive Relationship with Money

Bari was the “spender” growing up. She was an artist and a therapist. Her friends were shocked when she went into bookkeeping.

But by staying true to herself and her core skills, she was able to build a wonderful money system that worked with her superpowers, instead of against them, so that she could bring herself and her family financial comfort and stability.

If you feel like you’re someone who is just “bad with money” because you’re creative or because you do a certain job, remember that you can pull those skills into your financial life. You can have a powerful, valuable relationship with money and reach your goals.

3 - Our Goals Can & Should Shift Over Time

One of my favorite parts of Bari’s story is how she completely overhauled her business when she became a mom. Her needs changed, her vision of her life changed, and she was willing to take a big risk to build the type of business she needed.

So many people in Bari’s position would have kept going just because the business was doing well and they didn’t want to disappoint partners or employees. But that would have burnt Bari out and wouldn’t have allowed her to be the mom and entrepreneur she wanted to be.

If your goals shift over time, you’re not doing anything wrong. You haven’t wasted time. You’re just finding your path.

Stay aware of what you want in life, and don’t be afraid to make big changes when you need to.

Links & Resources Mentioned

Connect with Bari

Bari Tessler Linden, M.A., is a Financial Therapist, Mentor Coach, Mama-preneur, and the Founder of The Art of Money. She has guided thousands of people to new, empowered, and refreshingly honest relationships with money through her nurturing, body-centered approach.

She is the founder of The Art of Money: a year-long money school, which integrates Money Healing, Money Practices and Money Maps. Her work has been featured on Oprah.com, Inc.com, the Huffington Post, Inc., US News & World Report, Reuters Money, and many others.

Bari is the author of The Art of Money: A Life-Changing Guide to Financial Happiness, published by Parallax Press on June 14th, 2016. She lives with her husband, son, and many cats in Boulder, CO.

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